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Thursday, December 07, 2006

uh oh.been neglecting my lil` blog.
Oops.. "^^
anyway,its been a week since december strutted past me.
my lil` cousin just came over to bunk.. ((:
im SO glad that she came.
she prevented me from rotting..yeah yeah.. :D
u said u wanna meet..when..?
sms me yarr.. (:

-life has been the same since you left my life.

ahhh..2 more days..2 MORE days.
grace will be flying back while mingyan flies to hong kong.
oh good..take one then give one..
sighs* this hols seem a lil too..hectic.
while my ladies come and go.
im packing my luggage. (:
im happy & ecstatic to leave for korea.
but.. a lil uneasy as very sad cos my hols are ending like water from a broken glass.

on 5th of Dec,went out with my lil bro & my cuz with ming yan and amanda.
amanda looks hot. ((:
went to hougang mall.
the tension abit odd thou.
cos strangers ma. :P
got super junior stickers in Comic Connection.
my lil cuz went "yehhh..!" over super junior.
hahas.she LOVES ryeowook & kibum.
ok,im happy. ((:
but on that day,i was a lil' haywired.
wasn't that happy.
cos the pain in my tummy was unbearable. need to worry bout that in korea le! yays!
haha..apologize for that day..
then amanda & mingyan la..
they pour cold water all over me..
ask them wanna go ice skating wenever we're free,say dun want.
good la! piss me off.. :P

-i know im nothing in ur eyes.

aiiis..i hope the lil tension over my ladies dies.
cos its unbearable to see them like that. *hint
patch it up and treat it like nothing has happened..
wouldn't that do the trick?
treasure is probably the word to be advised to them.
lols.friends mahh. ((:
laugh it off like nothing.
oh ya mingyan, take care wen your in Hong Kong. (*:

-Stop giving me useless hints.Stop misleading me.

anyway,heading to Bugis later.
but the rain dont seem to stop.*whines
i guess i would have to wait. :D
a lil waiting won't harm.
currently,during this hols,im trying to kick the habit of getting late.
to prevent myself from scolded and dragging people down.
aiyaya,i guess i'll post whenever im in the mood to do so.
oh yes.i almost ruined my cuz hair yesterday. XD
i "fried" her hair..oopsie.
but credits to Freda thou. :D
she allowed me to touch her rapunzel hair. (:

-Its OVER.

all right then.i guess im off to doll myself up for later. ((:
oh yes.seriously,super junior dun seem to appear that much in my post.
ahhh. :D

i guess life is still the same without u.
im not crying over this dead love.

thank you for being there and lending me ur shoulders.

my headers is SO RANDOM. lols.

words spilled @ 12/07/2006 01:49:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here