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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
ยปthe world around me has started to move..ONCEAGAIN.
Monday, November 06, 2006

ahaha..been feeling kinda "heavy" this time round..
very tired of the nonsense around me..
but im very happy thou..
im still a HAPPY girl..

On the 3rd of Nov;
Aloysius,Amanda,Bryan,MingYan,Samantha,Vanessa and i went to Changi Airport..
went there to eat ban mian..
sadly,my pathetic phone was oOo..
it was out of broke..
it is still currently in servicing..sobs sobs..
i miss it LOADS.. ):
sam was snapping lots of photographs thou..
we did lots of silly stuff...
(hello?! we're like ONLY 15? O.o?)

thanks to amanda,we went to take the skytrain(?)..
sam & amanda ran to area and i follow suit..
i almost puke my food out..
its like phews~! so tired..
ming yan & aloysius walked there..
i wished i had done the same..kekes.
then we went to Terminal 2..
went to windowshop again..
i immediatly went into MiniBits Korea..
loved those accessories..O.O
it was SO shiny..*bling bling*
then we went to Mac to find the lovebirds..
while the love birds ate,the KIMLEES did silly stuff..
by taking pics with uncle mac.. O.o *odd*
i was acting all goofy..*goofball* XD

after all those eating,we went back to the bus terminal..
on the way to the terminal,we saw a group of girls with cameras and etc..
they looked like fans..
so,sam and i decided to check it out..
they were a couple of china gals,then we thought of HanKyung coming to Spore..
haiis..i really hope SUPER JUNIOR would just pop up in Spore right now.. (:

then we went to take 53 to van's house..
left aloysius to get home to bring his puppy for grooming..
aww..he shld have came..
then we walked to Vans House..
the trail was filled with LOADS,i mean LOADS!! of mosquito..
my legs were bitten..SOBSOBS. ):
we played "lets learn english" and sang "Somebody To Love" from DBSK.
we sang the "love love love" was hilarious..!!

we watched slither immediatly after going into Vans House..
it was D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G..! too much gore.. not to my liking... X(
wanted to vomit quite a couple of times..after watching the movie,
the others played big 2 while i flipped thru the mags..
watched some kiddies show..i seriously need those..
then we watched Hi-5..*lols..
*i wanted to watch Barney..
*LOLS* but van didnt suscribe..): SUCH a BABY! lols..alriite then..
i have posted quite enough.. (:
look at my next post then.. (:

Current Song : Pherhaps Love - Howl & J

it ended at 9:21.. (: smiles!

*pardon my blog..its a little shortcircuited..=.=

words spilled @ 11/06/2006 09:00:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here