ยปan `EGG was CRACKED~
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
[23/10/06 posting (:]
ahh..today is mii darling birthday..and it's the youngest of us 4.. (:
Vanessa girl..hehes.
Alas...Surprises come after surprises and MORE surprises come after one another..
First of all,it was me.. (:
mii `DARLINGS my birthday by making me all upset and teary ..
and that very person is grace..she was a good actor thou.. lols.. XP..
they surprised me wen i was still in Cloud 9..i was SO touched wen they did that..kekes..
Next,it was Grace's turn..this 16 year-ed old princess was given a cup with our neos on it..
hehe..it's to make her REMEMBER and not
Then it was mii 3rd Princess..Samantha..
Bought her a bag..hehe..and plotted something on her innocent thinking..
but sadly,it was dashed by her mother but never mind thou..
Cos she is still SHOCKED and SURPRISED.
Lastly,it's Vanessa's turn..
Bought her an Elmo..cos she is a TOTAL fan of Elmo.. (:
but we brought her out to get our neos taken.. (:
had SO much fun..kekeks..
then the 3 of us put our heads together and thought up a plan..BUT
the sly gal managed to know what is hidden under our sleeves.. x(
we crept to her house after rushing around tampinese.. and we "so-called" surprised her.. we had so much fun by having a "cake smearing" party.. obviously we smeared strawberry cake all over that princess face.. we too had our taste of our own medicine..our faces were covered with cream.. and it was oily..haha.. X) but im SO glad that mii princess enjoyed.. (:
Next,there will be mii ladies pics.. (:

this here is mii PRINCESS on 23/10/06..
ur finally 15!!~ (:
(it's a bit blurry..so pardon me.. ^.^")

Next,shown in this pic,
there is Samantha,Vanessa,Me,Grace.
this pic is taken with the help of Bryan.. (:
thanks Bry..!

this pic obviously show US smeared with strawberry cream on our faces..
mine isnt that obvious..kekes.. :P

me and my princess has our smiles taken during the class 2C barbeque.. (:
LOVEya gal.. (:
The firsts 4 princesses in my life
Grace,Samantha and Vanessa.. (:
The second batch of Princesses in my life
Samantha,Ming Yan,Amanda.. (:
words spilled @ 10/24/2006 10:53:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄