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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
ยปim CONTENTED. (:
Saturday, September 16, 2006

annyung! kekes.
today was quite a happy day for me
enjoyed it.. (:
it was soo funny today.
i made myself lunch..
it looks bad but it was DELICIOUS!
but it was oily..urghs!
den i went for tuition..
it's like so BORING during my saturdays..
after my hip hop lessons ended,it's like SO BORING!

went down to the bustop to wait for my bus.. was a long BUT fruitful wait.
plugged in my ipod..again and blasted super junior's tunes.
kept repeating Show Me Your Love,So i and Dancing out.lols.
then i lip-synched all the way till i reached.
it was a long tired. x)
Loved it thou..
but tuition was fun today..
da jie made funny andscary stuff to freak me out.. funny lor..i was practically giggling when i was doing my maths.,we did properties of the circle..
oh my..lots of rules..! brain is crammed with rules..
house rules,school rules,nation rules,science rules,maths rules.
oh gonna faint..
but after my tuition,we went to East Point,located at Simei.
went there to have western food..hehes.
after our dinner,we went to Safari..
aww gawwwd...the puppies were SOOO CUTE ..
especially the was soooooo CUTE!!!!
i almost glued myself to the glass panes..
they look so innocent.puppies are always ADORABLE!
but we didnt stop shopping,we went window shopping.
was chatting with blackened cousin.
he's into basketball..he got soo tanned till he got a very obvious sock tan.
lols.he's growing taller too. (:
but that means im shrinking. it's bad.
i dun wanna be short. ):

then we went home after sending my aunty and my 2 cousins home.
bathed and went to check my phone.
i thought my phone was 'message-less'.
i was so surprised when ming yan sms-ed me.
lols.i delayed my message by 2 hrs! arggh...!
it wasn't on purpose. O.o"
then i replied her..thank goodness she was still awake.
she told me she blogged abt us..
i was soooo HAPPY,wen i saw my name on her blog.
im seriously SO touched.
SO i can't be selfish.
i have to thank her too.

BUT i have to thank Super Junior first
Super junior created -the KIMS.
it brought Amanda,Ming Yan,and Me together.
hahas.We are always -the KIMs.
love them all..i felt touched when everything brightened up when she tot of us.
im really touched.
yepp.since ming yan wrote so many things,i guess i have to do that too!

I knew ming yan this year..
she's the founder of -the KIMs.
someone who is actually the 'worm-in-my-stomach'
she seems to get what i meant.
it's good though.
was happy to hear her talking bout school and family.
was grateful when we could communicate..(:
when we were sec 1,i only known her as a classmate.
but now,she is known as my friend. (:
she MADE this blog skin for me..
she too, infected me with the Super Junior virus.
BEST BUDS forever.loves loves loves.
she LOVES kim ryeowook..
RYEOWOOK & PARK JUNG SOO...! pls come singapore with Super junior!

I knew amanda at the starting of the year..
became Super junior addicts with her,she's in -the KIMs too!
haha.always cracking me up..
she's a pretty girl.. REAL pretty if she wants to.
and she's a 'chill-out' dudettes.
vehh american style.. haha.
she loves ryeowook and sung min
RYEOWOOK & SUNGMIN..pls bring super junior to singapore..!

Samantha is someone i knew at sec 2.
LOVED her..she's soo cute..
my best bud.a clever girl..
we are always oogling at our dream boy. talks,bitching boud others,
sharing our darkest secrets..yepp.
it rocked..!
the first to be infected by Super junior's choi shi won.

lol.SHI WON..if u read this,come singapore with ur buddies..!
my sweet lovable gal.. (:

grace and vanessa..
knew grace for 3 years.
she was the one i slept beside during sec 1 orientation.
became best friend at sec 1,quarreled a couple of times.
but we went back again.brought her to my family when i was sec 2.
she's the one who was the oldest of all.
my best gal.. (:
i came close to vanessa when we were in sec 2.
she was a very bright gur..hehe.
very experienced,and brave..
she's always giving me tons of advice.
more to the playful and cute side..
was hanging with her when i was sec 2..

as for now,i just wanna say that these friendship brightened my coloured my was usually cold and dull.
but thanks to my friends,i was coloured once again.
i really would just hope that we will NOT lose contact with each other.
always update your phonebook..
we would probably meet up when we are at our 20's.
go for gal shoppimg and all that.
ahh..i love my life.
it's col

have to thank my family too..
giving me encouragement all the way..
LOVE u guys all..
im happy to be in this family.REALLY happy!

words spilled @ 9/16/2006 11:40:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here