Friday, July 28, 2006

im like soo lagged out!
AHH.finally im updating.hees. o.0"
Finally,im over with the soccer stuff.BUT!!
im so into Super Junior now!
a korean group which consist of 13 boys (actually it was 12,a new member was introduced this year)
under the management of a company which oso nurtured BoA,KangTa,etc.
shocked,huh?! aww my gawd.
actually i was not in this craze.but my crazy super junior fanatic infected me with it!
omg..im not the only "Super Junior" victim but some of my frens were/was/is.
LOL.anyway..Super Junior has guys which are SOO sexy.yumm yumm.
They are super cute lohhs.
Cant stand them.so cute..!
anyway..go take a look on YOUtube. Super Junior Full House.
SUPER JUNIOR u will laugh ur ass off. haha.watch it.. (:
so cute.so shuai..anyway TAG pls! (:
words spilled @ 7/28/2006 04:30:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄