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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Im updating,aren't i? finally updating my stuff.cos toO busy for this 1 week ba..
got POA stuff to do.Alas,i finished my POA project le..phew.
aniiwae,i learnt some new steps in hip hop lesson on that day la.not bad.
then beforemy hippy lessons,i have CIP stuff.and amanda helped me to find the clippings i longed for.'s the pic of Portugal team playing the violin,cello,and more violins.
Cristiano look very very HOT. he's a total still not out of this "soccer fanatics" stuff.
i dun tink i ever can.lols.i already told myself to take up soccer as my CCa in poly.hope will have.**
i wanna dream or even have small close fantasies of playing with those guys. farnie.aniiwae,i carried on my life like that till....
On tuesday,i was running near the backgate where the bike are parked at.
SUDDENLY,dear dear mii,i feel down.i fell on some pebbles,stones,soil.
it's a HORRIBLE mess.real horrid.but i kept running la.
wen i reached the school my leg was covered in blood.urgh.horrid.tot it didn't hurt though.
the starting and the end do not's the process which so TOTALLY agreeing it.
haiix.pain sia.but bitterness has it's small tinge of sweetness,don't they?
they sure do.cos after school i went to eat prata.bored of the schools food.bleahs. Xd
jus as i was eating my dear dear mushroom-cheese prata,i recieved an sms from sam.
she said that 'he' went to ask them where was i.then sam ask me go back skool,then i went back lor.
but wen i went back,i saw his frens only.siianx. so i sms-ed him.
then he said no.i now still pondering is it true anot..wat sam said.i's wrong to suspect ppl.
but i cant help,but to feel that way. ):
but if it's TRUE,thank u for ur concern.if not.then NVM ba.
i'll juz treat it as it really happened. (:
then i juz lived my life as usual.
today is the 3rd day for my cells to be reproduced again.
im waiting for it to heal.haha.
i like to thank marmiie ba.cos she helped me to dress my wound at home.
she even got her hands stained with iodine crystals which hardly fades.
haiix.thanks mummy.thnx daddy for concerning boud me.muackz.
love u guys lots.and my little sarcarstic brother. :p
kk la.i gonna end here soon.
anyway,i begin collecting those soccer stickers cum cards of FIFA world cup players.
got lot's of CIV country.buay tahan niias,ghana,Iran oso.
bo yearning for Portugal's C.ronaldo and Figo.
Amnada got oso waiting for ESP,Spain's Fernanado Torres.
but i had Lionel Messi and Podolski.
Oh ya.i wanna get Michael Ballack from Germany.
I oso wanna get italy's Matarazzi,i got buffon le.
if got extra,i sure draw his face.LOLs.
yea,i oso wanna get France's Zidane.
that egghead.that super duper cute derhs.muackz. (:
he's old or u may say he's matured la.but i find him sexy.
my mum likes him..haha.
i hope can get Brazil's Ronaldo,Ronaldihno.i got Kaka le! yayas.
i oso wanna get england's Beckham,all those cute guys from England.
i got Rooney,Owen,Lampard and Jole cole with all other peeps la.only dun have some guys.
saddenx. ):
k la..

the list of things i want NOW.

1)those soccer cards NOT playing cards.
2)Jersey's from Argentina,Portugal,Spain.France,England.oh my i want so many things. XP
3)learn how to play soccer.

k lerrx.see u guys.
will update u soon! MUACKs. <3


words spilled @ 7/20/2006 06:00:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here