Tuesday, July 11, 2006

As Usual Im BORED
Today theme is Fernando Torres.
He's SUPER cute.haha.
anyway now is like 11:22.
I was waiting to see the part where Zidane went to head-butt Matarazzhi.LOL.that italy guy juz got felled down.LIKE A TREE.woah.
The news said that probably that mata guy insulted either his religion or his family. Or probably called him a n****r.That is a VERY VERY bad word.
LOLs.He really should have gotten that!
BUT zidane la..u horrx..buay tahan.
y u got headbutt him! then that stupid goalkeeper.
Buffon.keep doing that "i saw u doing it!" sign.
France shouldn't have lost! Even if they really thrashed Portugal and Spain's Ass.
Budden..kinda unfair la.STUPID Buffon and Matarazzi.Bo Liao peeps.
They shouldn't have lost.it's NOT fair!! GRR!
haiix.nowadays very siian lehh.
it's pythygora's for maths though.then salt and bases for chem. *yawns
Must study hard worrx.
Me and the other girls going to SIAN le.
Cos sam kiip talking boud Shi Won.YAWNs.
LOLs.k la.i tink must sleep le.
anyway i had a good time in Bryan house.We played BB at his hse.
His skills pretty good.Then me and sam became kids,we sat on the swing.
Haha.i LOVE swings.
Budden i worry lehhs.
2moro englishh presentation.YAWNs.
AND worst.Salsa dance for us.BAD BAD BAD. :(
haiix.kkaex ba..since i saw that "zidande head butting" stuff,im gonna sleep.. (:
BBuaiix.. nites. (:
1) Cristiano Ronaldo
2)Lionel Messi
3)Fernando Torres
5) Paul Walker
8)hmm.dunno lerrx.NITES!
words spilled @ 7/11/2006 11:17:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄