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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Today still as per normal..
Boring Boring Boring.
Juz that today dun have that freaky levita-ting spider around.
it was super freaky.. x(
Let's talk about yesterday..Cos today nothing much to say.
But i'll still talk abt it..when it's abt him..I never miss in action. ;)
YESTERDAY 17/05/06
Yesterday was my last paper.. F&N.
OHMYTIAN. i totally flunked it..
Ytd,my bro no skul so he at home.
So my parents fetched me to school.
Then i met up with my 2c gurs at the usual location.
and TAADAA.he was there..
Looking so gorgeous, and all those stuff..
waaa..see bright ray of light.. xD
then vanessa was like,"eunice,eunice.. ***** leh.."
i was like ok..
Thinking of how i should say hi..
He was not alone..OHMYTIAN.then HOW?
He took the initiative when i walked past..
(Was walking with vesta,with sam and van bhind)
then he juz like..WHOOSH.he riased his arm and said hi..
ok..then my face juz 'BLING',turn red..
Vesta asked me why my face so red..
Ok,i DID felt my face burning..but i don't know my faece juz WOOSH.
Omg..too OBVIOUS le ba..
Then i used my F&N txtbook to cover my face..SO PAI SEH LOR.
Amanda told me he said hi to Mr Gaek in that way too..
Damn energetic.LOLS.
But cute la..
Then we went to the parade square to place our bags..
The field was EMPTY.
not really..juz a small portion of the skul came..
the sec 4s and 3s pluz sec 5s..should be ba.. o_O
Anyway,he was studying for his maths.
I was very happy lor..
Then we went to buy drink..
I was still OBVIOUSLY blushing when i passed him..
haha..then i bought barley..
drank and drank..but found myself too FULL le..
so i juz threw it away..
Went back to the parade square..
Then suddenly Mr Neo wanted them to move forward..
4a to move forward..YAYs.
But then 4c TOTALLY blocked my view.
k la..then national anthem started playing..
Me and sam was like praying..HELP HELP HELP..
Then we slightly moved la..we were freaked out..
Sam has a phobia of spider while i am afraid of this unknown thingy,
trying to come near i was like OMG.SAVE ME.
Then after the whole assembly ended,i was supposed to study F&N.
But because i was so freaked out,i decided to observe where the thing is going..Ok..i am freaked out...
After all the crap..we went to class to do the LAST exam paper..
WEEEE.then i completed it and slept for abt 20 min..
But i got check,ok..?! >.<
Then was SO bored decided to draw..draw his name here and there..
Then after le!! YAY.
went to meet up wif my gals and weee..
was so nice..
Went down to the canteen..AND OMG.he is there..
talking to Jia Hao..
I overheard him saying "000000"
Not too sure..But i am sure there are lots of zero..
MATHS! what do you expect more?
Ok..Then i juz summoned up my courage and said.."HI!"
Then juz walk away..LOL.I am a timid elephant.. >.<
Haha..Amanda was talking about borrowing $2 from me..
So we lingered there to talk abt our plans..
Then amanda requested $2,i took out my wallet.
and OMG.he juz walked past me and said "erm,BYE"
WAAAAAA..I am so happy..
Then his friend was like walking behind him..
So i juz stood there,dumbfounded..
WOOT.he stout but he's CUTE.
I am so LUCKY.
then he was walking to the bustop and van wanted to go market to eat
the carrot fingers..
Then i oso wanted to take a glance at him ma..
so i followed them..
He was talking to his frens...FEMALE frens..
ok..i am jealous.but i dun mind saying it.k?
but it's his exam ma..
who wun't talk abt it?
then walked past him and i saw him..ok..
That was the second closest i could be with HIM.
the closest is the part where he appeared behind me..
ok finish le..
i miss him very MUCH.
As for today,nothing much happened..
we didnt talk..ok.I am STUPID.
I miss him so badly..
If i dun greet him,the coming months i would not be able to greet him..
I got another matter to cry for..
It's his msn nick..
He is asking some one NOT to TALK to him anymore..
i so saddenx..
that angry picture of his nick..SOBs.
i am so sad.. :'(
ok la..i dun wanna talk abt it anymore le..
words spilled @ 5/17/2006 04:00:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here