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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
ยปA lazy sunday..
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Juz went to pray my grandparents..
Hmm..Qin ming jie ma..dorts..
Dun even noe what im talking bout.. :P
haha..Anyway,today is faithfully his b'day too..yayas!
haha..Wished him happy b'day..So happy lor..
Even it's not my b'day..
Haiix..Those who tag my blog oso can go c my msn space..
I prefer there to here..This so mafan..Bleahs..
At least i write here,people won't see la..
Esp him lor..
Miss him so much..Yesterday wait till 1 something den sleep..
Juz to see whether he's online not..
So farnie..lols..
aniiwae,talk bout my clas..Not bad la..
if not for those groups of san ba(b*tch) and wang ba dan(tortise)
the class would be 'gang gang hao'
not too boring not too wild..k la..
with 3 2c students dere..ya..
got a little bit 'out' leh..
budden got huixin.crystal.mai xian.weiling.
those ladies are nice..3c's cindy is oso veri sweet la..
so cute.. x)
i like friendly.. :)
Thank god hui and me lyk one oso from same class..
heex..can exchange things we know nice
haiix..budden miss my old class..
the noise.the atmosphere.and those wildness..
siao eh..lols
but i like this class la..
at least that stupid guy wont pick up a fite with the other race..
Buay Tahan (BTH)loh..
In this class,oso ok and sam..Buay Pai..(BP)lols..
Using so many slang today..
haiix..this year i dun quite like..
Cos he leaving school le..Sad.. :(
Pretty upset la..but im wishing him all the best..
Cos i like him lots..
haha..confession sia..lols..
k la..bbuaiix

-simpply unnique*
words spilled @ 4/09/2006 05:13:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here