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ยปMaddened..Pissed Off
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I am so pissed..B'cos of the brat..
He is so..OMG!! I AM SO PISSED,MAN!!
It's Like He's RIGHT in EVERYTHING..
Come On..U guys Muz Be Thinking He's Juz a KID...
Nope..He's a 'going-to-be-' teenager..A Freaking 'Rebellious' Kid..
Ppl say @ his age,rebelling against ppl is SO 'normal'...
Can i say Something? IT"S Bullsh*t..Pure Bullsh*t...
He is so FREAKING arrogant..
Okay..He may be clever,Dat doesn't mean that he could actually Boss me around..
Umm..Yea..Ppl say i m 'Case-Sensitive',okay..I probably am 'Case-Sensitive'...
But..But..*shrugs it off*
Ok..Back to the subject..
Cos..He is so arrogant sometimes..
How i *wish* that he 'would' change..
But i would tell u that the world will turn into chaos..
Becos he is so freaking stubborn..
And he is 'naggy',I am not so sure whether he is naggy or wat..
But he juz 'bla-bla-bla-' in my ears..So irritating..
Enuff OF me Screaming My Head Off..
p.s i tink he saw me typing stuff abt him..'guilt-stricken'
words spilled @ 11/15/2005 11:53:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here