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»wat an arsed day
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Can't belive it lorr..
those shiity bastards are SO tredding on my toes.. if i bother..if they see this thing..
wat an arse could they be..
especially that gigolo egg-ed face and pimp..
wat an arseholes they can be sumtimes..
if dun like den say..
act like very shuai liddat..
BLAHS..This class will be GREAT
if without those peeps.
First,the elephant tusk
2nd her 跟屁虫..
ok wat.
they chio..ok..i dun mind saying that..
no lies alrite i dun even envy her..
probably,she and coach having affair lor..
so he is nice to her..ya.. WATEVER...
eew..with that old man..BLAHS
No offence lor..
juz now in HM saw goro wif alloy ,yan,and BOOn...
that panda..sumtime really feel like using broom go sweep her face..
No offence alrite..IF u ever see this..
cos she saw things is exactly like sweeping her words across ur face..
double ouchies man*
Then they said they bought grace a b'day prezzie..
made her a cup with our neo's on it.. fragile..F.R.A.G.I.L.E
Haha..then mei xian accompanied me.. so touched.. (:
Then i was making those kawaii stickers
Then i saw goro with the gigolo and the pimp..
Grrr..WAT A DAY..
Feel like using a sniper to snipe his damn shit off his body!
The the gigolo was like 'goro..blah blah'
i hope if we ever go bowling again,his fingers will stick to the BALL..
LOLS..Then have it surgically remove it..LOLS
i'll be lafting away.
The pimp is so ACT..
Cos sumtime act cool,sumtime act bad,act nice
eww..Show me ur not nice..
smittien by ur hairy ass pimp..
frankly speaking,in a girl opinion..
A beige underwear..IS SO..haha
Orbit..Too orbit ler..
No fashionable..
why not squeeze a pair of whities..?
It's better..
at least i wont puke..
Guys muz seriously wear boxers..
too bad..guys here aren't the scottish typo..
They could actually wear boxers under thier skirts..
no offence dudes out there ..
lols..ok..why are u guys so..GUYS?
Fancy seeing a gang member in ur class
and start hailing himas as a GOD..
Goddamn farnie/hilarious..
They actually follow their trend and went to do something..
TOOOOT*TOOT*TOOOOOOOT*Im not saying..lols.. dogs..
no offence again..
follow their owners by the nose..
i smell u,my GOD OWNER..
Haiix..pathetic pathetic..

-simply uniqque*
words spilled @ 4/18/2006 05:23:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here