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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
ยปMy little heart which broke..
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Was in skool was a funnie day though..
cos my tay (physics) never during physics we sneaked in and out of class..lied to the relive teacher..
heeeX..k BAD..
then purposely walk the long way go see him..
Walk past the lab bout 5 times lor..
At first heard the commotion bout his class going lab..
den crystal,huiix,and mei xian went toilet..
Then they say they saw.. bla bla bla
(im nt saying :p)
then i was like : "REALLY! CRYSTAL I WANNA GO!"
Then we walk to the stairs located at our last year class..
then walk 1 big round past the lab..
haiix..sum time so envious of those girls in his class..sobs* ):
cos he's always ready to lend a helping hand..
wat a the guys i like got taste wann..
haha..then we went to the ladies..went to tie my hair..
then fumble here and there..
caught a glimspe of his back..his face..
CALL ME A PERVERT..if u want..
k la..i tink im NUTS..
haha..wen he see this,he'll probably wear a mask..
hey,if u c this,wear a Darth Vader mask..

heee..budden he's the most gorgeous i met la..
excpet those in US de..
US de taller than him..
Hu call him look like caucasian and have a asian average height!?
hehe..GOD la..diaox..
he's so my type..
alrite let me emphasise this AGAIN!
i think he WILL be FREAKED out..
k la..pls dun be scared k..
if no fate then no choice lor..
i'll face ur rejection bravely! I will!
I will go slightly sucidal..
k la..wun't suicide for a guy..
the world population got LOTS handsome guys lor..
so never mind..lose one then gain another..
i tink his classmate tink i like him
my reactions,my face,my smiles..
next time SELF-CONTROL..
control..act normal,dun look at him like ur prey..
ok..i WUNT!
k la..enuff..sometime..
i very stupid..
but oso clever la..
hee..cos probably he cant even see my posts! blog...i tink he oso wunt see..
He MUZ study..
o level ler!
muz JIAYOUS...!
But muz take care of ur health..
Get adequate sleep and rest k..
If u ever see this la..
*rolls her eyes*

haiix..then muz NU LI..!
Im behind u always!
but pls,my small small request..
come back next year pls..
i'll miss u severly..
I will not know who to love..
I might not have the strength to stand without u..
Give me a small glimmer of hope!
Or u can say like ba..

No true love?..
Ok..if u want to reject me cos im not pretty,not clever..
i would not mind..
Juz flash a small grin/smile/laugh..
I'll be alive again..
I dun mind..being rejected now..
Been thinking of u too much that i lose myself..
Almost went to hit my head on the mirror..
I think i'll probably break a piece of glass with my fist..
Then the pain wun't be so pain le..
I wun't bleed internally no longer..
No longer..i'll bleed physically..
Huiix say u'll say i love u to me..
to me,it's a dream that will never come true..
It wunt..
Could u ever let me hold ur hand,lie in ur embrace,
for a day,and say lies that will comfort my dead soul..
say "i love you' i do not mind if it's a lie..
I will accept this..
This is all i ask for now..
Can u please make it happen..?
At least i won't be hurt no longer..
haiix..let me truly love u and pamper u..
Juz one day!
I'll pamper the reluctant u till u say 'Go away'
I'll not cry,I won't..
At least those words are from u..
It would no longer hurt me any longer..
Let me love u till u say "please dun appear again"
Till u push me on the floor..
Push my hand away...
My dead soul will be again be in peace..
But another sun will shine on me again..
And i'll once again forget about u..

stupidity..IM SO DAMN SIAN!
That's y den write those things..
But those are true,though
Anyway,Jia you's for ur O's!
words spilled @ 4/26/2006 06:37:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here