ยปANNYUNG! [good evening!]
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

hellos! aiyaya. LAGGY x DOUBLE.i have not posted for quite a time..
hmmrx.mii baddx.tuudae is Natinal Day.Nice!.got FREE hols.
lolls.budden exams comiin lerrx.baddenx again.
haiix.but luckily larrhs*he didnt make any advances towards me.phewws.
or else im gonna scream!! okkaes.
forget abourtx that incident.
aniiwaex,yesterday after that bishan park thingy,we went to East Coast Park.
"we" consisted of 3 guys 5 gurls.
Guys : Aloysius,Bryan Teo,Kai Shen [grace bro].
Gals : Grace,I,Samantha,Amanda,Vanessa.
We went there to roller blade lorrs.super niice.
fell down quite a couple of times.
Sam worse..Never put on Guards.
keep falling down.poor thing. :P
me,aloy,sam,grace are first timers la.
Pathetic first timers.Im really so pathetic.
but i managed la..pretty nice.
hhahs.im so happy wen i can slightly blade..
budden..WOAHS.Kai Shen & Amanda are PRO's.
Van and Bryan are only starters.but can la..
Very good lerhs.hhahs.way better than me.
den we went to the beach riite after we returned the skates.
it was quite "shiok" cos $5 for 2 hrs..
Actually only $5 for 1 hr budden national day eve ma..
so off price lor..but that owner vehh cheap skate..wan to change skates oso cannorts.
ok..back to the beach part..we went therte to "soak" our feet..
budden the tide was higher than usual..
cos wen i went back home,the moon was so clear,big and round.
after "soaking" our feet & taking a few pics,we planned to push grace into the water.
AND we did! hhahs.she was the 1st to get soaked in the salty water.
then next was bryan,kai shen,then aloysius.
Next,was samantha.the 2nd one to get soaked into the water.
I was the 3rd.i did it voluntarily,after running like a mad woman..
Then it was Amanda & Vanessa,both volunteered to soak in the water themselves.
hhahs.i was so crazed out after soaking the water.
after countless of times we soaked in the water,we went to bathe.
Aloy,Bryan,Van,Sam,& I went to bathe.
Leaving Amanda,Grace& Kai Shen outside to dry themselves naturally.
hhahs.so funny lor.
after bathing,we went out..
and i BUMPED my head..haiix.pain siia.
lolls.then we took MORE pics..
hhahs.k le..
time for my bro to use the comp le..
See you!
*Annieyogasayo! [Good Bye]
words spilled @ 8/09/2006 08:51:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄