Small Cute 

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

please pardon me for such a shocking "headlines".
im just kinda not in the 'mood'.infuriated because of some stuff.
ok i go.
it actually started pretty happily at first..
dining at our korean cuisine.and all that.
but right after we left for hougang mall.
my life changed.i was a little neglected..and i was looked UP upon..
cool eh?..lols.NO.
it's a big no..
ok,would u rather get a computer w/ 3.2 GHz,DVD reader thingy..and something which is way cooler than ur current family comp OR u wanna be looked UP upon.
obviously,the 1st choice..
just feel so left out..WHY NOT ME!?
ehhs? i could also pay u that amount every month...!
get it from my bank the hell with it..
i think u guys dun even recieve a cent from him..
it's just to calm my raging senses so right with that.
i would rather u cut that pretense..dun act that ur pathetic or watsoever.
i dun give a damn..u SUCK like hell.. done venting my anger..(:
so relieved now..
anyway,next post coming up..

END 1:01 am...
words spilled @ 9/05/2006 12:50:00 AM / > leave goosebumps here