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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Annyong Haseyo! im finally posting again.
*sighs* the exam period just "SHOOSH-ed" past me.
the weight is no longer a burden. *phews*
now is the word 'SLACK' coming outta mi mouth.lols.
aniwae,been feeling so BLEAK this few days.
mi mood is SO ruined by someone,somewhere.
i have no comments though.
im just plain whining to mi dear computer screen.
ok,here goes my whining.
please bear with me.mi dear blog readers. XP
here goes nothing.Ok...
she has been thrashing mi mood way badly this few days.
persuaded her,told her,approached her in a decent way. still goes's kinda tiring though.
with the exam blues and all that..BLAHSS.
im getting highly irritated by that living pinata.
her non stop whines.oh god.this is making me insane.
it''s's nt that she's a living one but she don't even has sweets contained in her body! unlike the fake one..easily breakable and with goodies..!
BLEAHx.ok..let's back to the topic.
so with that pinata going on and on..
all my grouchy untold feelings bottled insde me and finally i flared up.
un-intentionally.SO un-intentionally.
so i went berserk only to flare up on her.
but she is so NO longer SHE.
she used to be that carefree,happy & delighted girl which everyone could joke with.
even if u DO go overboard with ur itsy-bitsy stuff,she wun't really flare uyp..
Only a small tight slap.. :P
but now..even the most un-important stuff piss her off..
i cant stand her!! GRR!
i wonder am i the one who changed rapidly or wat?
or is it her? oh god. someone please just tell me!
she's so highly,HIGHLY irritatable.
oh god..even people who scores higher than her gets scolded.'s freaky..REAL freaky.
not to offend her or watsoever.
but she's SO SO SO like the other one.. *un-named*
ok..i gues i better stop.
Can't start crapping my bullsh*t out.
Cos it makes no sense.
something is really wrong.
So morale of this thing,story,watsoever, is
nothing last forever..
Even the shine of diamonds..they dun shine like wat they do wen they were new..
Even frenship,Love..
they dun really last...
it's the matter of how u treasure the moments with them.
i did treasure those wonderful moments..
So...i dun really care if i lose them,they lose me..
It's just wheter did they treasure the happy,sad moments we shared.
im done..

MINGYAN! love ur blog skins.
so special lors. *jealous..
And ming yan,i am so GLAD and ecstatic to communicate with u.
i was worried at 1st but sure i was GLAD to communicate well with u.
Muacks.. (:
Kims X Kims.

Hey Sharon.Samantha,if you see this post,
just wanna say that i totally.TOTALLY enjoyed the times with u ladies.
Even if it was a short period of time,but u guys made me feel so comfortable around u ladies.
And i enjoyed being with you gals!


: 29-08-06 : 9.24pm :
words spilled @ 8/29/2006 09:00:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here