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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Friday, September 29, 2006

ellos..aiis..i am so sorry..i havent been blogging..
im so messed up with mi work and all's like mii blog just went..
aiiyaya..this is gonna be a long post..
had a severe stomach ache..and sadly,i had test on that day and it was pretty badly done..
thank goodness,the chinese test was not held on that day..
sighs.. i went home during recess though..
it was so awkward for me to carry my bag and walk past 100s of people chomping on their lunch.
thank goodness amanda accompanied me to the GO..
and i went back myself..and right after i left school,i was told that i PASSED
my maths test..! i was ecstatic..i met ming yan's mom on the way home.she was soo nice to give me i was at my verge of death.
mi stomach was in a bad state.. ):
went home and slept..but i didnt help stomach was killing me.
thank goodness my parents brought me to the doctor..kekes.
i was said to be down with food poisoning..! )x
it was all because i ddint cook my food in a proper manner..
and it was not edible enough..lols.
was absent on stomach wasnt going anywhere..
so i stayed at home and recuperated till ahYAN and grace called me..
went down to kovan to collect my physics notes from ming yan.
and went home with grace.
thank goodness,grace accompanied me thru the night and taught me physics..!
im crediting you gals..Grace and Ming Yan..
Went back to school on Friday with a speedy recovery!
thanks to my sweet loving family and concerned friends!
had a test on friday,it was chinese pretty confident doing it..
but i have not yet recieve my marks..kekes. (:
had tuition of Saturday..the day which i fell in love with the song 'Qian Li Zhi Wai'..
very nice though,but it was repeated and repeated over and over again..
And furthermore,it kept coming oput of 2 different rooms! lols.
Went out to have our dinner with my cousin and aunty @ Tampinese Mall..
but then,it led to a HUGE shopping spree..
the shops there were having was a 'pro' rather than a con to us.. XD
Went window shopping with mii Da Jie..lols.
while the boys kept oogling at the ladies.
M.Industrie was having a sale,so we spent quite a lot there too.. (:
went studying with my KIMs and my LEEs
we spent the whole day thinking of places to study..i thought of Changi but it was WAYY too far..kekes. so they kept rejecting rejecting,
till sam and ming yan thought of the best place..Kovan's Pizza Hut.
that study trip ripped me off by $15 seriously BROKE.
we studied there for around 10~45 mins till we vehh pai seh..
so we left for the place located near Sam's & Ming yan's House.
In the end,we didnt even study..kekes..
was playing card though..vehh naughty.. xP
but i kept losing and was PATHETIC.
TILL! the time when i had to leave to go out with my parents,i finally WON!..

it was a dealer's luck..kakas..SO lucky!

Anyway,my updates are till here..
Tata! (:


words spilled @ 9/29/2006 06:57:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here