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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
ยปim trapped in mii LALA land.. (:
Thursday, November 02, 2006

ahahaha..ok;enough of my crap..(:
feel SO much better after ranting out all mii stuff..
i dun feel that stuffy now..its WAY better..*phews*
i was limping all the way for yesterday and today..
i twisted my poor ankle..sobssobs.. ):
it really,i didnt go for work today..
went for work yesterday..
my leg really hurts and the therapist guy never come.
so,i had to limp all the way back form tampinese to punggol in my daddy car.. (:
then we ate dinner..the fried rice was SO good..
it was 'yummy'..really good..(:
then SADLY,mi w550i broke into 2 pieces..
[actually,i wanted to post the pic..but mii infared dun want to co-operate..]
it break until like SHIT like dat..
so stupid lor..tonight going to fix my phone and my leg..
lols.. XD..
love mii darling phone..(:
anyway,dunno which "lovely" go tag my blog..
i wonder who impersonate kibum oppa..
lols..*fantasising that it was kibum*
i think i can wait long long.. ): siian..
didnt manage to catch any good sleep during these few nights..
very tired now..
Ciao then!~
i wanna watch love letter le..all b'cos amanada addicted me to it..):
words spilled @ 11/02/2006 03:33:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here