ยปRAIN RAIN go away..
Thursday, November 02, 2006
the rain has been affecting me quite badly this few days (?)..
so im like totally moody and all that..
im turning into Ms.Grumpy soon.
haiiya..humans have kinda evolved during this period of time..
as in like,they change..
humans can be SO powerful,yet so succeptible..
aiis..really very moody..
it's like they totally just turned hay-wired..
i wonder..hmm?..
didnt quite offend them thou..(im trying not to)
really vehh upset la.. ):
-i just wanna break down with u by my side,
they could be so BLUNT with thier words..
Hello!?..humans have feelings all right..!?
but seriously..i dun blog to please people,i blog to express my feelings..(quoted from someone blog)
people could be so hurt by their words..
humans have RIGHTS..and i declare..PRIVACY!!..
please..! i need to have mi time..
so PLEASE understand!!..
i do not know wheter are u still in ur 3 year old mentality or WAT!?
please THINK!!
by the way,im
i belong to myself..! and surely,u must change ur tone..
ur words are like shards of glasses,scratching me everywhere..
oh PLEASE! i really feel like kicking some SENSE into u..
ur being too CHILDISH!
ahh!!~ im really kinda pissed off..
-i wanna cry in ur arms till i fall asleep
there must be some limit to what u say..
please channel ur words into ur brain before letting it slip out of ur mouth!
and can u PLEASE behave like an adult..?
i have enought CRAP from u till i could fill a whole hot air balloon with the words u produce a DAY..
i have taken enough jokes..so please STOP it..!
summarised from 3 days of silence.. (:
words spilled @ 11/02/2006 03:16:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄