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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
»wat a day.. (:
Friday, October 27, 2006

hii hii..
blogging right siian.
im in Sam's house now..
blogging away while the girls are playing Big 21/Big 2.
so siian..its raining we cant go cycling..yet..
so see first lor..we wait till the rain stop.. (:
wait wait WAITING..
the rain is kinda big now..
anyway,today is a beginning of mii actual "holidays"..
but the extended programme is kinda in the way..
taking OFF 1 month of mii precious holidays. ):
but like wat grace and sam said..
they said that the holidays are plain boring..
true thou..verii siian..
either chiong comp or watch the TV till mii body rots.
but thank god..they asked me out..
OR else i would have become a sack of couch potatoes. xP
excercise sounds OK to me.
as if.. (x
Now the girls are complaining tat im a "slow poke".
yepp..i AM..even i myself cant deny it..
im SO slow..*yawns* so bored.
havent quite finish watching Goong.
i wanna go home watch.. ):
so siian..
oh ya..niw they are making fun of my T-SHIRT.
lols. xd
they saw the ÄDDICTED"word on mii tee.
they still said it was i who is addicted to "***".
so "bian tai"..
now they read the back ; "riding high on life". kinda thirsty now thou..
talk too much CRAP. (:
crapped out thou. so siian dio..
i wanna go ice skating..fall till my butt hurts..
aii..i wonder how long is the rain gonna stay..~
go away man.. i wanna the mild sun.. (:
loved the sun..but hate it wen i sweat..
there i go again..going on; on my rubbish.. (: is SO me.. (x
ok la..i go watch full house le.. (:
BUBUAIIX! loves loves loves

i feel like drinking RIBENA. (:
words spilled @ 10/27/2006 02:26:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here