Wednesday, October 25, 2006
today is no different from any other days during the post exam period.
BUT we (ming yan,amanda,grace,vanessa & me) went to sam house..
grace & vanessa stayed for short time and we used the time to play "titie"?
quite fun thou..then both of them left..
leaving ah yan, sam, amanda and me with sam little sister..
we watched Mini Drama which we longed to watch for AGES.
but was delayed as it was wayy too freaky..
we went to watch those freaky parts..
ALL of us screamed like morons..it was too scary for mii "poor" little heart to take.. x(
all of us used the plush toys in sam's room..covering our eyes and screaming..
it was TOO scary..
but way to go,boys..
Super Junior possessSuperb skills.
All of them were SO cute..
i just cant get enough of Super Junior..they are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. (:
But we managed to find our "chill-pill" (abstracted from miss Swan)
we watched love letter..those boiis really can do "magic"..
they're SO cute.. im not sure of how many times im gonna emphasise this..
BUT these guys are such HOTTIES + CUTIES.
Next,we watched Miss Swan..
a "some-sort-like-mrbean-or-wat" series..very cute & lame.
it managed to scare mii jeepers away.. x)
Then alas,i went home after being "escorted" by mii darlings.. (amanda & ahYan)
i was practically on "snooze" mode wen i was on my way back.
didnt catch enough sleep yesterday nite.. was blogging till late dawn.
was kinda "sian dio",wen i alighted the bus..the sky was dark and thunders were rumbling like how a hungry man tummy would growl.
it actually got me quite turned-off.
went walking home with mii earphones blasting Super junior's song..
took a great bath and went to the web to search for Super junior's video while burning DBSK disc into mii precious comp.
searched quite a few of them..
and there is mii linkies..
Super junior Dancing to DancingOut in radio station
Info :Sung Min,Eun Hyuk,Kyun Hyun,Ee Teuk,Kang In doing silly stuff in the Radio Station.
Super junior PhotoBook shoot "Boys in the City" in Malaysia
Info:All of Super junior..BUT Sung Min's and a few of them are kinda cute..
Han Kyung & Si Won's MV shoot for Timeless
Info : it's all about Siwon and Han Kyung..Si Won is HOT as always while Han Kyung is getting HOTTER.
Eun Hyuk & Ee Teuk at Kiss The Radio with 2 CUTE but annoying guest..Si Won & Dong Hae
Info : Silly Ee Teuk and Eun hyuk..playing with a gorilla and singing to it..while Dong hae and si won appears..PS!Si Won tries to STRIP Dong Hae
** Sam gal,this is for u.. (:
ok..that's all..but,i do have something else..but i lost the link.. >.<"
it's a CF for Olympus which shows Dong hae and BoA..
It's nice and touching..i was brought to tears wen i saw it.. (:
i love them all..
im still in my DreamLand *drifts into space* dun bring me back.
- i dun wanna grow up..i wanna remain as a kid. as i could be free and innocent of this complicated world..
[credit goes to YOUtube and those people which made this video.PLUS* ahSam, Cheer up.im here for u..wat are friends for? i wanna stay by ur side and be with u. (:]
now; please do excuse me..i would really wanna catch some sleep and probably meet up with my princes in dream land.So,i shall end here.. Good nite!.. (:
words spilled @ 10/25/2006 10:49:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄