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Sunday, March 18, 2007

my feet.. XD
after a long day of walking,my poor feet gave way.. :P
Had a blast today.. :))
im so happy..but im broke..
( more $)

had LOADDs` to do today..
went out EARLY in the morning..
(i was still snogging my pillow,yet i've to drag myself OUT of the sheets. :( )
didnt get ample of sleep yesterday night..
it was a bad night thou..

On 16.03.07
went out in the morning to the gym with the ladies..
ran for 15mins straight..lifted some weights and ran again.. :DD
went to hougang with us pangseh-ing amanda..
(she went for guitar.. :/)
Me and sam strolled to the mall and drank bubbletea with pineapple/corn tart.
sat there till 2plus..
(kept talking,talking and talking.. it was good thou.. :DD)
went home arnd 2:45..
reached home at 3plus.. (the bus ride was so ugggh... :X)
bathed and sat down to finish my maths and chinese..
then my mother called asking us out for a movie..
as usual,we headed to tampinese..
watched Primeval..
all abt crocodiles eat human..internal conflict in one country..
nuts-kicking..head getting blasted off by a shotgun..
carcasses,corpse,blood..and more endless flowing blood and gore..
( it was bad.. SERIOUSLY bad..)
the gore was good thou..but it was like so NC-16..!!
and it was rated PG..
those head bting,body biting really scare ppl..
furthermore,parents bringing their toddlers along thinking that they
could catch some gore/documentary without leaving their kids with maids..
BUT!!.. i think a couple of us (teenagers) went home feeling sore for not getting to see the unfinished gore..
(they cut the movie so abruptly leaving the screen black and white for a couple of second..!!
dont they know how to fix movie clips??!)
*im nt trying to offend anyone thou..
back to where i left unsaid..
the movie left the kids ( under 14?? ) badly shaken..those corpse really scares ppl..
( i was badly shaken thou..i fidgeted thru the whole movie)
Screams (serious!) was heard when the maneater was chasing steven..
( a black guy, he's comical.. but the way he died,not funny..)
i was really very disturbed..

i guess gore is not my thing.. ><"

Worst still,the cinema was freezing..

and the kid behind me repeatedly kicked my seat despite me turning arnd MULTIPLE of times.. :(

after the movie,we went for supper which i skipped..

there was a lil fire in tampinese's arcade..

the smell of burnt plastic filled level 4 with smoke..

the smell was so distinct!!


shopped my way till icelemontee.

bought a blouse,suspenders and striped knee high socks.. :D

(im such a SPENDTHRIFT..someone CONTROL me!!)

arrived home at 11 plus..

bunked in bed immediatly at 12.30..

was so...bleahhhs..tired.. puffed..

tossed & turned for the whole night :(

woke up at 8.30am..

i was carrying panda eyes..!!!~~ CRISIS!!

\O.O/ jiuminnnnng.......

washed up and put on my clothes before heading out after sam called me..

met up with amanda and sam in the train..



then she kept lamenting that i lied to her..

yesyes.. i did thou.. :X sorrysorry.. ^^"

i noticed a pimple on my thigh..

so..i went for the 2nd alternative..

crumpled jeans with my blouse and cute pumps..

(the pumps almost killed me.. :( )

we headed to raffles place fpr the trial lesson..

it was GOOOOD..

ilovetheteacher..LOADDS. :D

her korean lessons..a BLAST man..

besides the 3 musketeers.. ( sam.amanda, and me)

we had ahYAN and estherBUNNY!! :D

along with vanessa and her clique and some other yuying-rian..

before we went for the korean lessons,

we bought hotdogs and my mouth was smeared with mustard..

it was BURNING.. T^T

after that,i went to buy plaster..

cos my pumps created 2 pretty blistered lines on my feet after the lesson,

headed to hougang to meet sihui & grace but my dear grace never appear because of certain reasons..

she was late..

(now i know the feeling of LATE! im sorry to those who i was late at/for..)

went to whitesands..

got earrings.. sam got earrings too..

i went to buy myself a stripey tie.. :))

then grace came..went shop shop..

(my proccedure is so messed up..)

then went to tampinese..

(now my leg is getting all pained,blistered,cramped..)

while grace and sihui browsed for wallets and purse,

i bought myself a pink./black shoes.. LOVED them!! :D

my bro said it was ugly.. im so sad.. :(

after shopping,went to hougang, where we totally had a blast in the bus..

with grace,sihui,amanda,and sam.. :DD

the sound,animal thingy.. it cracked everyone up.. XD

then grace left..

then amanda.. (she went to bbq.. :( )

leaving me,sihui and sam at hougang mall.

went to carnival when we saw the black looming clouds..

i was singing "rain rain go away" repeatedly..

i didnt want it to rain..

but the carnival FAILED me.. :X

it was so upsetting..

the rides were so costly..

and yet..unsafe..(they look unsafe)

went to hougang all to have our dinner except sam..

before heading to the food court,

we bought the cap.. ilove my cap!! :)

sams beanie.. U BETTER USE IT HOR!

then we went to have our dinner..
after that,we went home..
talked to sam abt the problem ans stuff like that..
( i missed my bus.. so i waited for her bus with her )
then she headed home..
leaving me waiting for the bus arnd 15 min..

i walked home listening to rokkugol..
then headed home just to find that no one was at home..
so scary la.. :((
sms sam then on comp to chat with her..
then went to bathe..

im done with my blogging.. :D

alrites.. CIAO!! :DD

i will blog more..

im so sad now.. :((
sam told me that there were rumour spreading that super junior gonna SPLIT..
then kibum,siwon.donghae leaving Super Junior to pursue thier careers.
PLEASE DONT...! please...
kimkibum..cannot LEAVE..
idontcare, hesnotleaving..
neither siwon nor donghae!!
i want super junior PERFECT13..!
no no no..
i dun want no one missing..
they are my source of passion..
if sm does that,they are gonna break thousand of hearts..
including me and sam's

so please dont...

even if it is a rumour,but please..don;t let it come
ineedthisboii..icantlivewithoutkimkibum.. :(


words spilled @ 3/18/2007 12:01:00 AM / > leave goosebumps here