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Sunday, February 25, 2007

sweetsweet16 is just a doorsteps away from me,
or NOT..
cos im finally 16 today!!~ :DD
old liao..
(but thank god,im younger than my 2 wives)
thank u all,those who wished me happybdae yesterday night..
im really happy..
this year is kinda crammed up..
got stucked in the exams period,
just like my frens.. XD
finally 16, more responsiblities,more aspects of life, more of 'wat-to-do,wat-not-to-do'..

sometime life is just so precious..
yet so wide..
lots of experiences..
i guess i just wanna live my life fully..
packed and punched with power with no regrets or watsoever.
i dunwannalivetoregret.
but all i want to do is livelifewithcolour.

hmmmm..*still waiting for frens*
i wonder wen are they gonna pop up..?
im not at home at the afternoon..!!
dun come at that time.. :P
i still remebered last year bdae..
so funny.. XD
i was still sleeping,when samantha stirred me up with her giggles..
in the end,we cried..
so funny lohhs..
but this year celebration all very crammed..

but never mind!!
after this lil' commom test,
ok..not too wild..
after the O's we let our hair down..go dye!!

tommorrow still got chem/physics and POA.
ahhh..all the balance sheet and P&L... =.=""
the ions..OHMYGAWDD!!~
i dun wanna fail my CHEMISTRY!! (its so KILLING me)
Tuesday,still got Chinese,Maths,History..
this is so friggin cramped!!~

ahhh..dunno whether still going to Clarke Quay on tuedays.. :X

(i realised that i have not talked about SuperJunior for AGES!!~OMG..)
anyway,Super Junior have created yet ANOTHER grp..
Super Junior Trot..
ahhh..why no no no KIBUM?
*nvr mind bout donghae..
they released a single?
go youtube to check bout them.. :DD
i still love superjunior and kibum!!
and my mum & dad!! iLOVE MY PARENTS!!~
im a parentt` addicted GAL.. :DD
of course my FREINDS too!!~
words spilled @ 2/25/2007 10:14:00 AM / > leave goosebumps here