ยปmemories `UNCOVER-ED..
Saturday, February 03, 2007
you once told me
no matter what happens
everything will still be good.
look what happened now?..
Tell Me..
lots of stuff has whizzed past me like a tornado..
im now like worn/ torn..
OHGODD!~ why all this thing cant just slow down!!
im feeling so crapped up.. =X
oh guess what..
im down with cold again!~ wheee..
*digs lemsip out of her 'oh-so-much-choco. :P' fridge.*
i just hate the taste of that..awwwful.. x.X
too bad no honey was added.. even IF there were honey,i guess it just sucks as well.
LOADDS of stuff happen..
i cant even use my fingers to count..
but somethings makes 'R-E-G-R-E-T' pop out of my head.
i think im regretting thou..
but i guess its best to keep it 'hushhush'.
oh yes..had DONKEY times playing with those crazy people,yesterday.
Quote " amanda & samantha".
these 2 are my clicked in click friends.
i guess i can categorise it like this ;
technologi-sed animal kingdom
as u can see..
me : a total seagull-ed,a trained dolpin, and alas the animal whom i do not want to mention.
samantha : a total 'dying-out-of-air' fish.
amanda : hmm..shes the technologi-sed one. Antennae.
haha.. :DD
we totally had donkey times of fun la..
Yesterday,we just attented our 1st POA nightclass.. "yayayayay..*happy*"
went to sam's house & watch her teach amanda how to play GB.
while i played with stephanie..
she was UBER adorable..
i kept playing with her..
then after an incident of 'ooops-i-tugged-down-her-UHOH'
they gangbanged on me.. :((
so mean la..
2 vs 1.. DT ahh..?!
we went to Heartland Mall's This Fashion.
to get my clothes..
LOVEDD` my clothes.
sam picked one piece for me.. :DD
then we spent about 2hrs searching for clothes.
then sam tried on a pleated skirt which she fell in love with.. :DD
Quote ; "i guess you can persuade ur mom to get u that.. it looks good on u.."
additional quote ; "i think next time amanda will be the one to try on! :D "
then we went to JiaYiBingDing to get food.
i had my diner there with amanda.
i got myself Honey-baked chicken rice while amanda got the maggie mee.
dunno why she like that.odd..hate maggie mee.. =x
went to buy bubbletea b4 going to school.
reached the class at 7:45 after doing the necessary.
then after the night class,we spent our time at the 'ever-so-empty' parade square.
started doing uber silly stuff there.
we sat,layed,giggled,laugh,snorted,and lame-ed.
ok it was TOTALLY a blast for me..
this is what we did; we took pictures..
actually,i wanted to take more..but amanda said "better not,later see got thing".
then i heed her advice lor..cos i oso very scared..
we took our feet @ the center of the parade square.
from clockwise; samantha's,amanda's,mine.
crazy right?? :DD
then we play the game mentioned in Love Letter??
korea's love letter..
not those meant for eating.. XD
we played the numbers one..
then we found it too complicated..
so we did the facial one..but it wasn't funny enough so we added body parts.
(u wouldn't even wanna think what we were saying!!)
But by that time,people (i meant teachers) were walking out of the conference room.
so we did some insane camouflarging..
those stunt amanda pulled off almost killed me. xD
Quote ; "if sungmin were to see that, he would have laughed so hard."
After more teachers came out, we decided to leave in case anybody thought that they have to put us into woodbridge.
we continued our game,the challenging one; after figuring a way to deal with my plastic bag. we played the numbers game and the forfeit was to get smacked in the korean way. *watch Go-ong to understand.
so funny..i got smacked `MULTIPLE of times.
amanda only got 2!!~ unfair..
sam oso got quite a few.. :DD
then we took 62 home and talked about super junior's hankyung hosting in love letter.
The one which he did the 'jun bi tae ta yeo."
we were crapping ourselves out.
reached home around 10+..
tried out my clothes.
the paraded myself in my room.
this is a skirt/dress i bought in thailand.. :DD
cheap & good!~

slept at 1 plus after packing my stuff.
was super drowsy.
i was lack of sleep after so many things happened.
woke up at 1 plus,went for tuition at 3 plus till 6.
then came home where i saw sam's msg.
Super Junior changed their hairstyle.
went home and surfed the net..
ya they did la..
BUTBUTBUT..why is bumbum photo blurred?
SO` unfair!!
so,i guess i can stop blogging le..
cos my beehoon has been lying there for 15 mins liao.
All rights; Tata.
Nothing gonna change my mind bout u.
Ur still who i know,right?
No matter what happens,i'll still be behind the curtains.
Alas,im ever so sorry. Pardon'muah.
"Hurt me , Hurt me not,
i guess some bonds are still lacked between us.
your someone i used to look so highly upon, yet you've failed me.
i wonder what is happening around us?
Is it just me? or you 2?..
i will get over with it.i sure will.
your're really not something i really look into for."
words spilled @ 2/03/2007 07:52:00 PM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄