ยปim still sniffing.sniffs*
Saturday, January 27, 2007
oh jeez..
time flew past me within a blink.
its already the end of Jan!~
so fast..
its been almost 1 month since i came back from Korea.
i miss korea loads.. :(
school has already started for a month.. :DD
as usual, im catching on my work..
revising stuff..
paying attention while trying to get used to this.
i have to do this continuosly for 8 - 9 mnths..
O' levels are nearing!! ><"
ahhh..im so scared.
but..i think i gave all my best for today's test..
POA & Physics. :D
let me just be a lil kiasu from now on.. :P
have been visiting the forum <>
(catch what i meant? O.o?)
ahhh..went to visit SJFullHouse recently..
all thanks to sam & ahYAN.
got all those SUPER nice pictures.
the NEWST of the NEWEST.
i even made a timetable out of it.. :DD
[Original with SM,EH,HC,ET,KB,SW]

[2nd Version. Inc of RW & DH ]

[3rd Version; COMPLICATED]

all those nice pic..
awww..ilove super junior.
anyway,went to sam house today..
and (i think u shld noe & i need nt explain)..
then she showed me all of her SJ pics & GIF..
i love the GIFs.
esp; sexy siwon doing the smooching action.
and hankyung getting angry plus my hyukie acting cute with donghae.
hmmm..managed to know some frens from GB.
nice yarr..? :D
ahh..i wanna get attached to a korean boyfriend..
bleahs.. XD
1 month - 1 day to SWEET16.
words spilled @ 1/27/2007 12:45:00 AM /
> leave goosebumps here ⋄