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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
ยปMini Drama.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This is Pearl Blue team's work.
Lee Teuk,Kang In,Eun Hyuk,Dong Hae
special guest ; Choi Siwon.

part 4

part 5

Siwon task Donghae of making Kang In a fool of himself.
Donghae asks other members for help.
Couples squeeze :
scene 1) good frens ; siwon & donghae. siwon forces on donghae.
scene 2) good frens ; donghae & eunhyuk .lovey dovey indeed.
scene 3) hmmm? dunno(?) ; ee teuk & teuk has a sexy side of him!

-i noticed that dong hae has pimples on his chin during the scene with siwon.
so cute lor.It means DongHae is tsill not out of the puberty stage. :D
words spilled @ 12/13/2006 03:13:00 AM / > leave goosebumps here