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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Monday, January 08, 2007

i've been coughing for like 5 days?..
and it wont stop..
Now what is worse..
the flu bug CAUGHT me.. :(
seriously, sneezing & coughing at the same time is SO not NICE..

anyway,got lots to catch up on..
the hols are over and comes the STUDY. doing Distance/Time & Speed/Distance graph thingy.
ok so..
im quite interested into this Maths thingy now..

ok coughing and coughing non stop..
it hurts when the water goes down my throat..

So painful.. :(

im listening to my friend's & the doctor advise..
Drink,drink drink LOTS of water..
i just finished one bottle of water and another..

it hurts.. :((

anyway,last friday;
we went to SP.. Singapore Poly..
cos there was an Open House..
went round the place..
then went to School Of Business..
OMG..then i noticed something better than my course.
he was like so good looking..
almost exactly like my Prince Charming..except his a lil slimmer ..
But he's soo white..
like Snow White.. So pretty & handsome..
*im crapping cos of the medication..
he was so good looking..
kept oogling at him like no other business..
Sadly,i think he's attached.. *dreams is pieces.*
exact scenario like my previous crushes..
adolescent's crushes..
trying to shake him OUT of my head..
Heard from amanda that he's from DMA?..
Dunno what Digital Multimedia..or something..
not quite sure..
after going to that, went to
School of Design..
it was like "waaaaaaaaa...."..
so nice..
artistic people really have talents..
then went ooo and ahhhh over the interior design and all those..
super nice la..
But BAD.. i cant shake him off my mind..
so went back to where he was and strted oogling at him again..
i just wish that time will just STOP..
and let me look at him closely..
too bad..his so called uniform dun have name tags..
now i know the good thing bout name tags..
getting to know the person's name.. :D

ok la..a lil 'short-circuited' le..
my med is kicking in its effect..
im seeing blinking stars..
ok la..
i no longer like that secondary crush liao..
ok..i sound childish..
but i just wanna declare that its O.V.E.R..

aiis..i know this is the year where i have to CHIONG.
but bo bian..keep thinking bout him..
his features is still clearly etched in my mind..
bleahs.. STOP STOP STOP..
i think i will go do chinese while waiting for sam's sms.. :DD

O level.. sian dio.. :D

*sleepy liao..

48 days before im 16..
words spilled @ 1/08/2007 07:55:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here