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»Empty Heart.
Thursday, July 26, 2007

"How nice would it be if the world was much simpler."

I've been wondering..
think so much till feel like crying.
*i aint ms.sunshine.
if the world was much simpler;
-expression of words (not painful ones)
-real heartfelt feelings.

i dun think im really that..
it feels so sad sometimes.
that on the outside,
ur like the PROM QUEEN.
but in the inside,
ur just an empty shells from the beach.
all hollow inside.
making those melodious sound.
so painful,yet so beautiful.

finding those whom i could pour everything to.
belonging to me.
and i will always want to be there for that person.
i've found it one,
yet lost grasp of it.
thought i could gain it in a second chance, just dont have what im seeking for.
that place fills me up with laughter,
but draining myself.
it's ever so tiring..

tried it once,
tried it the second time.
But i still cant find it..
seeking for that special thing has left me,
hanging mid-air.

Are they true?
Are they being nice?
Are those words the truth?
Are these people gna be there for me?
Or for the sake of it..?

such beautiful memories flow back into me.
like blood flowing back..
its so warm yet im still shivering.

i guess,i've grown up..
Enough of the riddles..
Enough of the jokes..
Enough of all those childish thoughts.

i just wna find those lost things back.
one by one,
pieces by pieces.

i wanna be true.
just let be..
for once.

For once,
let me burrow myself into ur arms,
let me cry..
Hug me like there's no tomorrow.
Stand beside me,
watch the sunset.
Hold my hand..
and never let go.
Till dusk arrives..
Leave me sleeping soundly and..
just walk away soundlessly.

don't ever allow me to see your leaving shadow.

Your hypocrisy has reached it's ending point.
Let it fall.
Tell her the truth.
Break her glass heart,
Never leaving a second chance.

the heartless beast of the mankind.
nothing seemed to penetrate it..
she was sent to destroy him.
with her lasting charms and beauty,
she danced,his eyes following.
he asked her,
"would u ever love me..?"
she smiled,
warming his heart.
"No.. i would not.."
In the dagger went,
it felt painful and real.
he felt he loved somebody.
And loving someone..
really hurts.
"that's how it feels to love someone.."
he gasped the final words and slid down.
She stood up..
and undoubtedly..
a glisten of tears fell.
"Yes.. that's how it felt..."
-Credits: ME! :D

The truth is..
sometimes, i maybe smiling..
but is it really me?..
i feel so sad whenever im with u..people.
depression is biting in.
*i dont have anything to say to you people anymore.

after much EMO-ing,
i shall blog abt my day.
today not bad la..
at least i got my planning printed.
having test tomorrow.
its really sickening to see her..
copying every moves.
this girlishness is too much for me to handle.
*brain loading..
70% completed.
Brain uploaded.

ok.back to reality.
have been thinking bout the phrase too.
-"Why dont we just press our restart buttons in our life?"

this made me scoffed,especially when i was thinking bout it.

it was weird.
but it made me felt..
really comforted when i heard my inner self said that.
but i really wish i could.
resart everything.
start from scratch.
from my life,my studies, my friends.
how nice.
'restart' buttons for all diff categories.

I have to thank alicia too.
for the forgive & forget.
i hope i can practice that often! :D
im doing the
'don't think too much'.

To : you-know-who-you-are
im not gna apologize for that day.
It showed me how u were.
what type of person are you.
all the pent up frustrations form last year till now,
made it difficult for me to even talk to you.
you said you wanted to change?
Change now..
whining brings you no where.
people aren't u punch bag,
or ur lackeys..
they dont have to find or follow you.
you talk too much.
If u ever wanted me to apologize to you.
i'll apologize for flaring up.
but read this.
i was not just angry with you because
you did not see my seat occupied.
it was because..
u are plain selfish.
u've been like that since sec3.
just that i could bear you.
your table are precious.
i know..but ur gna give it away..
i know..
people are born with unzipped mouths.
its just to see how you zip them up!
want them to stop talking bout him?
ignore them
u are not supposed to make more news.
but u made more news.

Liar liar,pants on fire.
dont judge me,
cos im gna change.
-wont be a bitch (i hope)
-be myself once again.


words spilled @ 7/26/2007 04:54:00 PM / > leave goosebumps here