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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"i wanna be alone? PERSONAL SPACE LA"
big fat faker

im blogging in the comp lab.
i aint good girl. :P
anyway,im really really irritated by her.

didnt i told u NOT to act pitiful.
ur making me laugh.
ur just like a clown to me.
you dont care?
yea. great.
then dont be sad. XDD
ur just a joke.

i had enough of that crap.
lets talk abt my day.
its boring boring boring.
seeing her face really tires me.
*yawns; i more abt her.

changed into my new contacts.
im still kinda getting used to the feeling.
*rub eyes and stretches.

VTeo; it aint ur fault.
that action showed me her poor attittude.

talking bout BAD attitude.
i have one too.
i can be really really mean and fiery.
im also kinda bitch :D
i dont mind.
cos its me.
i dont ACT.
im a Norm,babe!

(sitting beside bamboo)
(waiting for pandas to pass.) :D

sometimes,i just cant stand those ppl arnd me.
i BET they cant too.
if u wanna be mean,
i rather not become ur friend.
its so scary to always blend into ur mood.
i dont like being treated like that.
since i treat u nicely,
please do in return.
but oh well..
that GIRL attitude so punk'd out.
its so diff to communicate or talk to her.
she can be nice,in some ways...
but sometimes,
she's like sooo sooo mean.
so i have to be mean in return to her.

not all people are like MEAN,.
they are just insensitive.
but i have friends;
sensitive kind.
insensitive ones.
mean ones.
im trying to blend & be nice to them! :DD

ok then..
off to doing my stuff!
Ciao! :DD

*currently having F&N.

i wna listen to Avril's
When You're Gone.. :DD
so sweet,baby!


words spilled @ 7/25/2007 10:57:00 AM / > leave goosebumps here