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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

" i kinda hate not like this class now.. "

I dont care..
Cos its the end of the term.
I feel oppressed man.
I have to say everything out

but i just feel that this class..?
is getting.. really weird.
lol. not the old weird.
but the new weird.

everyone smily with each other and stuff..
no,thats passe.

but everyone is so OBVIOUS with what they are saying.
leving no trace hidden.
u can obvsiously see..
"WE ARE ONE" when there are people left out.

lol, call me a loser or whiner.
Cos no one is really bothered by it alr.
Everyone is like..
"So what..It alr had happened.."
But here I am..
whining big time.
my bad, but i am just really mad.

I had enough of like keeping everything inside me.
I feel so suppressed and oppressed.
Call me jealous, call me anything you want.

And another point.
I do not know whether are you gna understand, but...!
Let me tell you..

You once said that you hated seeing this.
But well, it was all an excuse, aint it..?
You just wanted be inside and left out.
Seriously as someone younger,I really cant help but to scoff at that behaviour of yours.
Want me to respect you..? Yes I can..
I can be like a hyprocrite like you to be respecting you.
Anyway, I have tried communicating with you..
And yes, not interested to say..?
Fine.. :]
I dont care..
Cos I just realise
that ur just one of them.

Well, well well..
I just decided to not keep everything under wraps.

And please,
I have tasted something better.
I have learnt a lesson.
Let me tell you..

If you think he's OBNOXIOUS, let him be.
Dont start saying behind his back.
You can just directly tell him he's doing it wrongly.
And not start saying he sucks or whatsoever.

bite ur tongue while reading this..

EDITS at 4:29
I feel terribly upset.
The pressure is so much to take and withstand.
It chokes me and made my tears well up.
Idk. but i really dislike it now.

I really want the old W25K back.
where we are REALLY one.
dont let familiarity drift us apart.
The old us have so much fun.
Ordering waffles and stuff.

idk. but its just pure nostalgia..


words spilled @ 7/22/2008 09:42:00 AM / > leave goosebumps here